Observations from Boston of a transplanted New Yorker.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


My wife and I have our 5th anniversary this week and I have made reservations at our new favorite restaurant, Blue Ginger. It is owned and operated by Celebrity Chef Ming Tsai and the food is incredible. We were there about a month ago, sneaked in without reservations, and had one of the best meals we've had since we moved up here. Ming was not working the kitchen that night because he was down in Mississippi cooking for the victims of Hurricane Katrina but I hope he's there for our anniversary. I'd like to remind him of the one time we didn't meet back in NYC.

We were living on the Upper West Side and I had just had a shitty day at work. Exhausted, I stopped in for a beer at a bar on 11th Avenue - directly across from the Food Network television studios. As I sat down and ordered a Guinness, I turned and saw Ming Tsai glaring at me, giving me the "dirty eyeball". I asked the bartender what the problem was and she told me that Ming was there with his crew for their "wrap party" for their Food Network show. Apparently I was crashing the party. Unimpressed, I slowly finished my beer and left.

If he does remember me I hope he doesn't spit in my food.


Blogger Moe said...

So you go from Blogging, to not blogging, to removing your blog, back to blogging like every fucking day?!?!?!


6:40 PM

Blogger The Cheese Eating Bird said...

Nice to see you too.

Where's the love?

7:48 PM

Blogger Moe said...

Aww come on Tall James. You think you're not gonna get a little ball busting? It's all in good, clean, wholesome family fun.

12:11 PM

Blogger The Brooklyn Blowhard said...

Congrats on 5 years of marital bliss. Your lovely wife has my sympathy.

9:39 PM


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